Part 53: Military Train 2
Previously, on Grandia:

: Daisy, Daisy, ♪ give me your answer, do.... ♪

: Humanoidese, motherfucker, do you speak it?!

: Rosebud....
And now, the thrilling conclusion.
Train, train, take us away. ♪
Take us away, far far away. ♪
To the future we will go. ♪
Where it leads, no one knows. ♪
... Yeah, I dunno either. Sometimes I get bored and change things up a bit.
So here's
this giant enemy crab Snooze. The enemies don't stay asleep for very long, but it does cancel any charging or ongoing actions, so it's pretty good for interrupting big attacks, if you don't mind the chance of it missing.
Get two or more people casting it, though, and you can keep the entire battlefield locked down.

Hot damn, that's a good boost. It goes straight onto Sue, covering her major weak point.
Also goes nicely with her armor that we picked up back at the base.
Anyway, yeah. Train cars, each has a few fixed soldier encounters. I decided to spam magic to gain a few levels. Snooze, we've covered, Burnflame is old, but there was one more new spell that I learned.
The secondary element spells are well worth the extra time it takes to get them.
Anyway, the end of this section is in the engine room.

: But you can bet they'll be here soon! If we just stay here, we'll get captured, Justin!

: OK, look! When they get here, we'll just start whacking them as they come. And if we need to, we can slam on the brakes!
Read: pull the brake lever to advance.

: What're you doing with that brake lever, Justin?

: We can't beat them by just using one lever, can we?

: Heh heh. Oh yeah? Watch this! OK, here goes, before they get here....
And we fade out while Justin explains the plan.

: What! Is Nana trying to get ahead of us?! I won't let her do it!

: All right, all of you LISTEN up! You'll each get 100 lashes if you fall behind Nana's or Saki's squad!

: Wait a second, Saki! We've got other stuff to worry about.

: What do you mean, Mio? Your unit got behind ours....

: What?! They're not here!

: Where the heck did they go? Don't just stand there! Go find them! Now!

: Ah-hah! They fell for it!
I feel like she should be calling him "twerp" instead.

: That's right! When the three of us work together, we've got triple the power!

: Now... where's that animal? Where have you hidden it? We can't let that critter escape!
You have to wonder if they know the real plan and are just acting here, or if Mullen figured they wouldn't succeed anyay and told them to capture Rem.

: Hey, we can handle that later, Nana. First, let's beat up this kid here!

: OK, let's. I figure I can deliver a lightning-speed kick or two.

: What a coincidence! I figured I could do the same thing to you!
Justin can be a clever son of a bitch if he needs to be.

(This is worth listening to, at least for this scene)

I said, CLOSE the HATCH!

: Think you can escape like that?!

: You're just a bunch of stupid kids! We just have to put on the brakes and you'll just come right up to us, you fools!
Wait for it...

: Hey! There's no brake lever!

: Neener-neener-NEENER! That'll teach you to mess with me! I broke the brake lever! Not only that, I stoked up that firebox good and high!

: Justin! You're brilliant!

: Mio! Quick, do something to stop this engine!

: It's... it's no good! We'll all just have to jump off!

: You idiot! How are we going to jump off when we're going this fast?!

: Well, it's time to say ta-ta to you three!

Team Garlyle's blasting off agaiiiiiiiiiin!
A little short, but this seems to be a good place to leave off for today.
So, to fill space, let's look at how the game expects you to learn the code to the Garlyle Warehouse.
Sneaking into the locker room through the air ducts? At least it's not peeking through a crack in the wall at the hot springs.
Dammit, Justin.

: Hey!? What is this?!

: This New World is so hot! I got heat rash in my bra. And look, my underwear, too.

Dammit, Japan.

: Stop talking about the heat. You're making me feel hotter.

: But anyway, why did Herr Mullen pick Saki? I wanted him to give ME orders.

: SEEEE! You understand now? Herr Mullen holds me in high esteem. Definitely! ... By the way, was the beast's door combination "up up down down left right left right"?

: Do you have heat rash on the brain now? It's "right left right left down down up up"! Saki, you ARE hopeless. ♥

: Both of you are totally wrong. It's "right right left left down up down up". Memorize it.

: Is that so? So it's "right right left left down up down up". OK! I've got it memorized!

: In front of the bease, you can just ham it up saying "Rats, I forgot". Don't fail, OK?

: I won't fail at such a simple job. I'll just pop over and do it.
And from here on out, all they do is repeat the code.
... It was "left right left right up up down down", right?

: Well, while Justin was admiring those three women, he didn't remember the important thing.

: It just can't be helped. Right Justin!
I've always been curious as to why "it can't be helped" is such a common phrase in translated media. Anyway, when we input the proper code...

: You got to see 'em change, too.

: That's right!

: Huh? Wait a minute. Feena!

: Oh, Justin. You're the worst!

: Sue! Not you too!